As Jalopnik’s resident car buying expert and professional car shopper, I get emails. Lots of emails. I’ve decided to…
Coronavirus is already having a dramatic impact on the economy and finances are going to be tight for a lot of…
Alan has come to the conclusion that it might be time to take a break, sell some of his current rides, and get a…
Kelsey is a freelance sports writer who lives in DC. She hasn’t owned a car in a long time but given the current…
Tesla prides itself on being different than every other car company in the world. It doesn’t advertise, except when…
As Jalopnik’s resident car buying expert and professional car shopper, I get emails. Lots of emails. I’ve decided to…
Ty is from Kentucky and has some friends who are encouraging him to get into overlanding. His buddies have access to…
Car dealers don’t have the best reputations, but you usually can expect them to hold on to your vehicle. Someone…
If you have around $60,000 to burn and are a fan of really fast Corvettes that look like giant bumble-bees, we have…
Steve is taking is family from Seatle to Georgia and needs an affordable long-distance hauler that he’s only going…
In response to Covid-19's impact on the automotive marketplace, automakers stepped in with cheap financing deals to…
Alex lives in Vermont and his beloved Saab has gone on to automotive Valhalla. He plays keyboard in a few bands and…
The covid-19 lockdown in India was so effective it prevented the nation’s massive population of 1.35 billion people…
Due to the economic impact of coronavirus many areas are under stay at home orders, which means car sales have…
Things are getting weird when, for the first time ever, trucks are now outselling passenger cars in the U.S. This…
As Jalopnik’s resident car buying expert and professional car shopper, I get emails. Lots of emails. I’ve decided to…
Cody left Minnesota for sunny California and he is ready to treat himself to something with an open top and…
We already know car sales have taken a huge hit due to economic and practical impacts of the coronavirus. I’ve…
I know it sounds crazy, but I’m almost a century old and I’ve never bought a new car. New autogyros, hovercraft,…
There is insurance, registration fees, inspection fees, parking fees, repairs, fuel, tolls, maintenance, speeding…