Automated license plate readers are cheaper and better than ever at what they do, expect a new Renault CEO and…
I’m sure you’ve all read articles about how very soon robots will be coming to take our jobs: self-driving cars…
It’s next to impossible to get away from cars. With an estimated 1.2 billion of them on the roads, it’s hard to…
There’s been a lot of coverage in the news lately about the results a group of researchers at NVIDIA have been…
Elon Musk, still not yet content to leave our robot-ridden Earth for a safer life on his true home planet of Mars,…
Elon Musk, hellbent on progressing the technological feats of humankind including artificial intelligence, would…
In partnering with technology company Nvidia—the company that taught a car how to drive from scratch—Mercedes-Benz an…
Technology company Nvidia developed a system that allows a car to learn how to drive itself by essentially being a…
An A.I. named “ALPHA,” made by a company called Psibernetix, has apparently impressed the U.S. Air Force by…
When Google announced its new artificial intelligence system could play, learn, and beat some old-school Atari games,…
The engineering department at Volkswagen has developed a system that politely suggests when it is time for the…
Scientists in England have developed AI equipped wheels capable of improving both the safety and speed of cars.…