"It's got to be different, different from everything else." Steve Jobs wanted the first Macintosh to revolutionize…
Sergio Marchionne is undoubtedly stocking up on black turtlenecks as we write this. The revived Cinquecento,…
According to Germany's Focus magazine, the house that Jobs rebuilt wants to become as ubiquitous in cars as it is in…
The most recent AT&T-Apple ad for the iPhone shows just how much iPhone users are ready and waiting to care about…
Apple's "Other Steve" is a guy more well known for his elegance in programming than skill as a marketing man — I…
Wha' happen' when you put four Mac Minis loaded with Vidi video capture software, four lipstick and pinhole spy…
Screw Sirius and screw XM cause iPod's gone and killed the satellite star. Instead, the new hotness in radio…
We just spent approximately a year-and-a-half driving to, waiting at, and then driving home from the Apple Store in…
Apple freaks that we are, we've yet to buy an iPod, because, well, we're kinda grossed out by iPod culture. Of…
Here's some sheer-wiz tomgeekery: an Infiniti M45 Sport packed to the gills with Apple-type gadgetry. Rockin' Stevie…
Why tie up a bunch of computing power on a car system you'll probably use a couple hours a week? (uh, because we…
"Gonna drive past the Stop 'n' Shop/With my iPod on" just doesn't have quite the same punch as Jonathan Richman's…
The latest rumor about the long bandied-about Apple/Motorola iPod phone is that they've been talking to automakers…