You'd think that the GIF format was specifically made for car clips. Given the near-system-crashing quantity of…
Tunnels are triumphs of engineering over natural obstructions. They also make for some mindbending sights and noise…
As much as we focus on what's happening on track, a good race commenter can be a valuable guide and informant; a…
Automakers will try almost anything to move product, including using another company's image to enhance a car. Those…
Driving can be invigorating, thrilling, and live-affirming. It can also be deadly boring — literally. Staying awake…
Throughout history some of the best cars haven't been sold in the United States and the draconian 25-year import ban…
As cars get ever more technically advanced, it's important to look back and see the roots of what we now take for…
It's one thing to have a car evolve into a special product, but sometimes a car comes out of nowhere and sets…
A great car is just a complicated sculpture without a good road. A truly great road is what serious driving is all…
For many, having a car while in college is a luxury. For some, having a luxury car while in college is another fact…
American cars and car culture contains multitudes; it cannot be captured in whole, never mind with ten spots on a…
Automated-manual "flappy paddle" gearboxes are rapidly becoming the drive-ratio selectors of choice for…
With Russians mounting video cameras on their car dashboards in an attempt to avoid the rising tide of insurance…
For some people driving isn't about speed or style; it's about going distances better measured by physics…
A high-performance engine is what makes a fast car a fast car. Except when it doesn't. These are Jalopnik…
Ever since Karl Benz registered his patent in 1886, Germany has been the home of high-quality, high-velocity wheeled…
It's a dangerous world out there for the powerful and famous, who are constantly under threat from kidnappers,…
The romantic getaway remains an essential daydream for everyone. For enthusiasts, the choice of proper wheels wheels…
Jumping to conclusions about cars and owners is a longstanding tradition both in gearhead circles and in society at…
The United States hosts a Formula One race again this year, and two are scheduled for next year. While the US has a l…