Proving that "Flight of the Conchords" is completely accurate, Mitsubishi New Zealand is giving away free goats with…
This Honda Civic has been completely entrapped by a pack of rare caterpillars along with the rest of the Dutch…
Shocked motorists have spotted an Austrian softie who uses his tiny VW to relocate his beloved calves wherever they…
These pictures were captured during a deadly game of hide-and-seek between a hungry polar bear and an Alaskan man…
California Assemblyman Bill Maze is proposing a new law that would make driving with an animal in your lap illegal…
We understand the Ford Ka is a roomy vehicle. Hell, it's even big enough for James Bond and many Bond girls, but the…
We all know the SPCA, PETA and other groups get their knickers in a bunch over leaving animals in cars, and rightly…
All the credibility you gained driving that F-350 will be thrown out the window once the guys catch you rocking a…
New Jersey police are claiming that a black bear is the prime suspect in a car theft in Vernon Township. Apparently,…
1,400 hundred chickens escaped captivity and 400 were killed in a tragic road accident in Scotland early this…
A study conducted by Yale and the University of California has found that the human brain is more attuned to…
A roadside device capable of scaring deer away from the road when vehicles approach is being tested in New Jersey.…
Somewhere along that great ribbon of asphalt and concrete that links The City to the Big Apple, there is a pond.…
We had a pal in college who liked to wear a black trenchcoat, a Gecko T-shirt and a ring on a lanyard around his…
A belligerent she-tiger, apparently angry that a motorist took the life of one of her cubs, has gone about attacking…
This dog-obsessiveness has to stop. Look, we've been a dog owner, and some dogs are really, really amazing…
Much like dogs love trucks, yellowjackets apparently love cars. We discovered this the hard way a few years back…
Senate Bill 1806, written by Democratic State Senator Liz Figueroa, is headed to Ahnulds desk. The bill, if the…
As an odd, cred-killing side-note, one Jalopnik was actually in both the El Camino High Madrigal choir, as well as…