One of us was up late watching the Transformers live-action movie on DVD giving us the chance to finally have a…
We've got video to prove that yes, the Citroen Transformer we showed you late last night is not at all a p-shop…
According to our gadget-obsessed brothers, a man in China spent $8,000 to build his very own Transformer out of…
Apparently when you buy the new Transformers DVD going on sale October 16th, you'll find a special insert inside…
We've already talked a bit about the new "Knight Rider" TV show, but we've got a new detail from Variety magazine.…
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!…
Who knew the Transformers craziness for the General could last this long. They've got a promotion going on where…
Over in Birmingham, across from the GM-obsessive "Triangle," the Saleen display appears to be hiding a very, very…
Everyone's got to have something different for the Woodward Dream Cruise. Whether it's customizing your classic…
If you didn't get the opportunity to get all up in Bumblebee's grille the last time the General brought the cars…
It only makes sense that Cylons would join forces with the evil Decepticons, and imbed cybernetic technology into…
Word has just come our way the General and the real makers of Generals, the US Army, are working together to…
According to Joel Hall, even in the land of giant freaking robots, the black guy still gets it first. [Clayton News-Daily]
We feel like there are very few folks out there who enjoyed the Transformers movie more than one of us here did.…
Saving the world from evil Decepticons isn't all it's cracked up to be. For one, the overheads are ridiculous. With…
Looks like even the directon of Michael Bay couldn't dent the huge opening week take of Transformers. The movie…
Wert had his chance to spend some time on national tee-vee (so what if it's basic cable — national is still…
Our intrepid senior editor from Detroit's been called into service to talk robots in disguise tonight at around…
The General took a double punch to the gut his week even Bumblebee couldn't protect them from. First there were…