Buy Transformers DVD, Win A Chevy Camaro!
Apparently when you buy the new Transformers DVD going on sale October 16th, you'll find a special insert inside with a website address from the folks at Chevrolet. At the website you'll be able to do the normal stuff like sign up for marketing information and probably even play the Build Your Own Chevybot game. But there'll also be one additional thing you'll be able to do. A tipster just informed us you'll also have the opportunity to register for a chance to win one of three actual production versions of the upcoming Chevrolet Camaro dressed up to look like everyone's favorite Autobot, Bumblebee. After having the chance to drive the drop-top concept version ourselves, we can conclusively tell you it's possible to have both a robogasm and a cargasm at once. Trust us. Full report below the jump.
One piece of news I believe is already being circulated that I can confirm is Chevrolet's involvement with the upcoming "Transformers" DVD launch. In the DVD, you will find a special insert from Chevrolet. Open the insert and you find a website address to register for a chance to win one of three actual production versions of the Bumblebee Camaro. The website will offer you the opportunity to sign up for information on the upcoming Camaro launch.
The DVD and the website will be available on October 16, 2007. The sweepstakes is open to all legal residents of the U.S. and Canada, except in the Province of Quebec, over the age of 18. Make sure you sign up to win a very unique Camaro and for updates on the launch including upcoming Camaro appearances.