Scott Bartosiewicz, the infamous Chrysler F-bomber who got his company fired over a mis-tweet, was just hired as the…
Detroit's already won the kitsch jackpot with the city's new Robocop statue. But now's your chance to give the Motor…
The news of Detroit's plunging population decline surprised even the city's worst forecasts. Micki Maynard, senior…
How bad has the 21st century been to the city of Detroit? New Census data shows it has 713,000 residents — the…
The creators of the new Red Dawn film that blew up Detroit in 2009 are digitally editing out any references to the…
Throughout the march to pay for a statue of Robocop in the city of Detroit, one voice has been absent: Robocop…
Former morning DJ and gold shill Glenn Beck compared Detroit to Hiroshima, based on an email debunked by Snopes.…
During the set-up for this weekend's Autorama in Detroit, a Pro-Stock Chevy S10 sped out of control and broadsided a…
Pete Hottelet is the entrepreneur whose $25,000 may help bring a Robocop statue — that may look like the bust above…
Detroit snapped back into winter last night, with over ten inches of snow and temperatures in the teens. None of…
The group attempting to bring a Robocop statue to Detroit over the mayor's indifference just scored a major victory…
It's not that a pack of snowmobiles can comfortably take to the streets of Detroit in winter that amazes us about…
That's a lot of free drinks and BBQ. [Business-Journal]
Tucked away in an obscure warehouse in Detroit sits the almost inaccessible Transportation Collection of the…
The $90,000 BMW 750i xDrive stolen from the German automaker during the Detroit Auto Show was found today mostly…
Tired of their usual fare of Cadillac Escalades, Detroit's car thieves raised their sights Wednesday night by stealin…
Generations of Detroiters used to park themselves under the jaw-dropping ornate plasterwork and opulence of a…
The Vinsetta Garage, the historic neon landmark of Detroit's Woodward Avenue cruising scene and the oldest garage…
The son of U.S. Rep. John Conyers, D-Detroit, reported some $30,000 in computers and concert tickets were stolen…