Jalopnik Heads Down The Oregon Trail, Gets Dysentery

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There's a rally afoot in the hills of Oregon and we're headin' there; giant cameras and even bigger energy drinks in hand. Keep tabs on all of these crazy, dirty happenings after the jump.

Alex "Chocolate Lovin'" Conley and I are saddling up our gear in preparation of this year's Oregon Trail Rally. The fourth race in the series runs loops around scenic Portland, Oregon with a super special stage located at the Portland International Raceway.

We'll be bombing the trails in a Subaru Forester; so, as always, stop and say hi if you see us out in the woods. I'll be slinging some private knowledge and pictures to my Twitter, @so_andy_said, so be sure to follow up if you're interested in the latest rally news. Also, keep track of our infamous RallyAmerica tag to catch our coverage as it goes up. We've still got a boatload of 100 Acre Wood photos and film that's waiting to go live - it's just taking a nap in the editing room to prepare for the great rocking of your faces. Who knew rally was so metal? Press On Regardless!


Photo Credit: Gnarls Barkley