For $15,000, This Mustang Is A Gas

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Like those cooking shows where contestants are challenged to fashion a tasty meal out of things like okra slime and horse hooves, today's Nice Price or Crack Pipe Mustang is an example of making do with what you have. Of course, its price may or may not just do as well.

Do you have a crazy uncle in your family? You know, the one who shows up at holidays with some new get-rich quicks scheme, or the announcement that they are only dealing in gold and silver now because the government is using cash to track our movements? Yeah, I'm sure we all have someone like that in the family, and if you don't, then odds are the crazy relation is you.

That's sort of how I envision the creator of today's 1969 Ford Mustang notch. Aggrieved by the wide fluctuations in gas prices and the government's intrusions into personal freedoms through automotive safety and emissions regulations, he not only sticks with his ancient Ford Mustang, but he outfits the steed to run on propane, the people's fuel.


That's a middle finger to the face of both the oil companies and the government as Propane is both cheaper to buy and is typically taxed less than either gasoline or diesel. Some states even provide financial incentives for cars running on BBQ gas as propane is considered an alternative fuel. You've always wanted to be alternative, haven't you?


Now the downside of propane as an automotive fuel - or at least one of them - is that the energy content per volume is less than that of gasoline or diesel, providing only about 74% of that of the former. That lower BTU content means less horsepower, and poorer mileage, but what the hey, there are ways to boost the horses, and propane's still as cheap as a back-alley hooker.


To make up for the lower energy afforded by this car's fuel of choice, the builder of this 'Stang has gone and turbocharged the 200-CID straight six. Yes, a V8 fits beautifully under the first-gen Mustang's hood, and in fact there are probably tons of 302s littering the junk yards that could have been fitted, but then, what would we have to talk about?

Instead, this Mustang sticks with the six, to which has been fitted a Garrett TO4 turbo. The pushrod engine is perfectly suited for a turbo as its intake and exhaust are right neighborly, sitting on the mill's right side. While some cars are duel-fueled, this one's said to be propane only, meaning the range will be limited to whatever the tiny trunk-mounted tank can provide.


There's some other oddities in the car's description as provided in the ad. There is the note that the shocks - KYB, but why would you tout that brand unless you think Monroe is really slumming it - are new, as are the master cylinder and ABS pump. Huh? ABS? On a '69 Mustang? There's also a 3-speed stick to put the propane ponies through their paces.

The interior is described as leather and tear-free, but I'm pretty sure that's vinyl, and that steering wheel looks like it has more cracks in it than Chris Christie's alibi. The interior in the picture is also filled with a bunch of crap, adding to the crazy uncle vibe this car gives off.


Regardless of all that, it's still a pretty good looking car, with what looks to be clean red paint and a nice set of period-correct five-slot mags. I've always found the design of the '69 Mustang notchback to be a bit maddening as Ford decided to mount the side scoop backwards on the car. On this one, your attention is drawn away from that styling misstep by the chrome plated door that obviously serves as access to the propane fill.

Why would someone to be rid of so unique and obviously personal a ride? That's hard to say here, but the seller does note that he's in no hurry to sell. That maybe a good thing as he's set his asking price at $15,000, and that's not chump change. No, fifteen grand is an amount that you'd probably want to think about before plunking down, and right now I want you to think about that for this propane pony - hypothetically of course.


What do you think about $15,000 for this custom Mustang? Is that a deal for so unusual a car? Or, does that make this propane car a con?

You decide!


Los Angeles Craigslist, or go here if the ad disappears.

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