All super heroes demand an unassuming alter ego for when they go out to grab a cup of joe. Today's Nice Price or Crack Pipe Corolla is as unassuming as they come, but packs a pretty super secret under its hood. Will its price however, also require disguise?
Yesterday's 1987 BMW 325i convertible might not have had the gearbox we need right now, but with an 84% Nice Price win, it certainly was the tranny we deserved. A cheap fun in the sun ride for summer is pretty much always going to stand out. In contrast today however, we're going to go a little on the dee-ell.
Consider for a moment Superman's alter ego. That's actually a disguise rather than a Sybil-like second personality, and made possible by the application of thick-rimmed glasses that totally and immediately make the man of steel look like an unassuming dork-face.
The early editions of Toyota's Corolla were equally unassuming. Small, with modest but reliable engines, they were as unobtrusive as a kitten's fart, and hence no one would expect their jumping into a phone booth ('member them?) to then emerge intent on the cock-blocking of villainy.
Today's 1974 Corolla however, just might occasionally veer towards an opportune Ma Bell box. That's because it has a turbocharger bolted to its formerly mild-mannered OHV four. This E20 Corolla - just like yesterday's E30 BMW - is an automatic, which may temper some of the added ponies the turbo offers up, but you all claimed yesterday that you're down with the slush box just as long as the car to which it's attached is of interest.
This silver over thigh-blisteringly black vinyl Corolla is certainly interesting. First off, when was the last time you saw one of these cars in such pristine condition? Even the interior is clean and seemingly unmarred by time. Apparently it has been garage-kept and that has a lot to do with its well-preserved appearance.
There's a lot that's left unspoken in the ad, such as is the turbo installation complete? From the pics it looks like the intake side is capped off, which is good if it's still in-progress, but bad if you want to make some progress on the street. Also, new small bumpers? Do they mean the ones on the car or a set off an earlier model that aren't so sticky-outie? There's also the dealio with the wheels and tires, the Mickey Thompson rubber mounted to shiny Welds that look to have a different bolt spacing than the rim in the trunk.
Aside from those questions, it's all good. This is definitely a car that presents a mild mannered facade over its unexpectedly hotted-up Underoos. Who would not rod and otherwise Milquetoastian old Corolla? Who knows, that's like asking why Superman finds it necessary to have an alter ego and day job.
If you're down with the duality, then perhaps it's time to question just how mild or wild is this unique Corolla's price. The seller is asking $14,500 for it, which is about five times what the car cost new, but then there's the be-turbo'd mill and the fact that Corollas like this aren't as common as criminals anymore.
What's your take on this Corolla for that kind of cash? Does its presentation warrant such an asking? Or, is that less than an Incredible deal?
You decide!
Boston Craigslist, or go here if the ad disappears.
H/T to Maximusorama for the hookup!
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