Steven Lang

Plus, if the deal falls through, you can at least get some smothered hash browns to drown out your sorrow. Read more

Great illustration by Sam Wooley.... Gawker Inc. has some of the best art in the biz. Read more

Secret agreement between Israel and Jordan? They signed a peace agreement (at the White House) in 1994. What's the secret? Read more

Is it clickbait? Venture outside the net a little man. Read more

why do you think Jordan needs better weapons? other than to defend them self's from AK-47 slinging rag-heads they have no enemy's. they have a well trained 150K size army that is way bigger and better trained than any jihad organization that would want to overthrow the Jordanian government. if there a need for better Read more

Like the interior, Tesla is going for minimal flourish and maximum effectiveness, and the only reason it isn't getting a 10 is because it lacks one thing: voice controls. It's something Tesla says is coming as soon as, according to Musk, "voice controls actually work." Props. Read more

What, a Dino replica like this? Or did you mean a stock Miata? In the latter case, that just puts it even more into perspective how much of a crack pipe this is. Read more

And the heater — let's talk about the heater for a second. It worked pretty well at its job of delivering hot air to the car, as you'd expect something born on the steppes of Russia. What it didn't do so well was actually direct that hot air. The hot air just sort of seeped out of the dash from every seam and crack. Read more

Torch, you were born to write this review, and it shows. Read more

Factory interior zip-ties; that's just RDM as fuck.