I am baffled by Lexus because I’m English. We Brits don’t understand what Lexus is; never have done really. It’s the…
I am baffled by Lexus because I’m English. We Brits don’t understand what Lexus is; never have done really. It’s the…
When I was a kid, turbocharging ruled. The aim in life was to elongate the point between request and delivery, to…
The third biggest loser in this sad saga of Top Gear is the wider car media, and the business that surrounds it. Of…
As the motorcar enters the post-manual-transmission epoch, I predict something bizarre happening: the re-emergence…
This year's Geneva show was one of contrition for your vertically challenged, vaguely brown UK correspondent. I…
Watching eight-year-old boys play the game you lot insist on calling soccer is a peculiar pastime. As a spectator…
There was an unspoken rule when I started doing this job back in the 90s – as a British journalist you were supposed…
"Fuck you Travis Oval-piston-face." The words repeated and scorched the inside of my head and the anger grew and…
I can't tell you what type of Toyota it was, but it instinctively looked sub-Camry, and yet by the same token…
The role of the critic has long been ridiculed and lambasted for all the obvious reasons – so few of those who chose…
I think his name was Hans Lehmann. He was the man for whom the dubious job description 'car scoop photographer' was…
Do you work in an industry that is fundamentally broken? If you do, does it leave you unsettled because you don't…
There is much confusion and misinformation surrounding the actual definition of the phrase 'pure-joy.' To many it is…
The first time I rode in an American car I didn't know it was an American car, but I did know it seemed very…
Neal Pollack's quite brilliant confession of near-Lexus-soilage prompted many colleagues who knew of a past…
Chris Bangle may be history's most infamous car designer, ridiculed for taking a visual language that BMW carefully…
Cricket is considered to be the most impenetrable game for non-Englishmen to comprehend. Being English I cannot…
The problem with writing a column with the working title 'the problem with Lamborghini' just before a major motor…
'Oh, and think of a name for your column too." The words sat discarded at the bottom of a Hardigree email…