Steven Lang

Everyone is not an automotive blogger or a jalop, maybe people you know expect shit like a spare tire when a company asks them to pay $50,000 for a car and regardless his entire rant was not just about a spare tire. If what he says happened is true, then he has a legitimate right to be pissed off. Read more

I'm absolutely livid my new computer didn't come with a serial port for my joystick
#boycottAmiga Read more

Are the manufacturers doing this to have less weight so they can advertise that extra 0.001 miles to the gallon? Read more

For a laugh, I searched for Suzuki service centers near my house. Read more

I would be more than happy to see Bertel go as editor. He is a horrible editor, for reasons I just went into more detail on in a response to Hardigree. But, any comment on Wikipedia? Read more

TTAC has a new-ish writer that is more concerned about being labeled a racist than actually contributing something worth reading. Read more

Bookmark deleted. That site has been marginal for a while. I'll give my views to less stupid sites. Perhaps minxy Murilee will find a more worthy place for her junkyard treasures. Read more

Well done, Steven. Love your writing happy to say goodbye to TTAC after that boorishness. Hello Jalopnik. Read more

I was wondering what might happen after that headline. I found the headline repulsive, but just scrolled past it without thinking too much about it. Coincidentally I've been watching The L Word on Netflix and a tennis player character on the show came out to her parents by being featured in a Subaru magazine ad. Read more

Good on Steven - he's a good guy, and I'm glad to see people doing things because they think it's RIGHT, not because it's easy. Read more

It will probably lead to Schmitt and Kreindler being further cut off from manufacturers. Read more

Good for Steve; however, he never finished Part 2 of buying a former APD Crown Vic with leather seats. now I'll never see the payoff. Read more

Rare to see someone put their own ass on the line to stand up for something. Even if they are talented and know that they will likely land on their feet. Kudos, Steven. Read more

Please tell me you are going to steal him. I love his pieces on car-buying. As a buyer's consultant I have passed on his advice to numerous clients and they have been much better for it. All of us know product really well around here, but there is a big difference between knowing cars...and knowing how cars are sold Read more

Good for Steven. Hopefully we'll see more of his writing on Jalopnik. Read more