You Have To Be Insane To Drive Your Car This Close To A Tornado
Tornadoes. When you see a warning about them on the weather channel, it usually advises you to take shelter or get on out of there. But some folks are into chasing those storms, and we end up with extreme close ups of a phenomenon that a lot of us would rather not venture out to get for ourselves.
At any rate, this video will make you both clinch your teeth in nervousness and be completely captivated at the same time. The footage is from a tornado near Wray, Colorado that touched down over the weekend. According to NBC, at least five people sustained injuries and the twister was half of a mile wide. Reports of several other tornadoes in the area came in around the same time.
Here's the video captured by the folks who chose to drive into that chaos:
The video tracks all the way from funnel cloud to formation and touchdown, and it gets even more surprising when several other storm chasers pull out in front of the in-car camera and move closer to the tornado.
As they always say, storm chasers, do whatever floats your boat. But if it has the potential to float your car, too, you may want to think twice about it. Or just wait until a video pops up on the internet.