When Do You Realize You've Bought The Wrong Car?

There's a right car for everyone. But not everyone buys the right car for them.

I remember driving down the interstate late one night in my soon-to-be-destroyed Lexus ES300 and I felt completely invisible. To the rest of the world, I was just some shmuck in a dressed-up old Camry, not to be seen.

For a moment, it felt like power. It felt like relief from the constant attention I'd get in my old Baja Bug.

But then it just felt weird. It was a fun car to try on, but it wasn't as wild and bizarre and engaging as I wanted.

Not long after that, the Lexus was in a junkyard.

Have you ever had a moment when you realized you'd bought the wrong car?

Photo Credit: Top Gear/BBC

Contact the author at raphael@jalopnik.com.

