Why Is This Naked Man Doing Kung Fu In A Tesla Model S?

A man in a Tesla Model S decided that this scenic spot on the Pacific Coast Highway was a good place to get naked, stand up out of the sunroof, and work on his martial arts regimen. And that's about all we know.

I kinda feel bad for the paramedics, who seem to sway back and forth between desperation and exasperation, in any attempt to get the man back into this car and on his way (assuming it is his car). Maybe this is what happens when you run out of charge. Maybe this is what happens in a world where you can wear a Tesla as pants.

If you know what happened to this poor fellow motorist, who he is, or what inspired his enlightened actions (Earth Day?), please send all tips and/or Naked Tesla Kung Fu advice to tips [at] jalopnik [dot] com.

This is a very serious matter.

UPDATE: A "Captain Scott" of Pacific Palisades Fire Station 69 told the local Palisadian-Post that the man in question had a "meltdown or psychiatric episode or was on a controlled substance." You don't say.

