Watch This Annoyed Reporter Rescue A Man From A Sinking Car On Live TV
"Copy that. Why are you doing that? Why are you doing that?! Ugh. God...da..." And thus begins the flood rescue that you always envision in your head happening, actually happening.
KTRK Houston's news reporter Steve Campion was live on the scene covering flooding going on in the area, when he saw two cars drive straight into the rising waters.
As he sees the second car, a Honda Insight, impotently bob along the murky depths (the driver of the first car having either presumably already escaped or drowned), Campion goes through the exact same thought process you would have:
Oh my God. What, what do we do? I don't wanna... ugh...
Ugh is right, Steve! I, too, would not want to muddy my reporting pants until absolutely necessary. Someone off camera helpfully proffers the idea of encouraging the gentleman riding shotgun to get out and hop on top of his car, but, immediately dismissing that notion, our heroes come upon a much better one – just yelling at the guy until he saves himself.
DUDE, you gotta get out of the car. You gotta get out!
"What do I do?" our hapless victim wonders. Campion and crew are, as always, there with the lifesaving tips:
"Stay in the car?" our victim asks, just to make sure.
Inspired by the victim's heroic action of saving himself by actually, you know, swimming, Campion jumps into action, seemingly right as the action unfolds on air.
"Oh, I didn't see it," the victim says, about the massive pool of water.