Watch Sébastien Ogier Destroy The Jump Record At The Rally Sweden

Colin's Crest is a jump at the Rally Sweden, specially built to honor the late Colin McRae. Though it may not be the biggest or fastest jump in WRC, it's certainly pretty, and if you jump the furthest you get a little trophy. Sebastian Ogier might need a big trophy though this year, because he just crushed the record.

The previous record of 37 meters set by Sir Kenneth B. Blockington in 2011 was no slouch, either, but seeing Ogier jump a full 41 meters in slow motion is nothing short of beautiful. That's over 134 feet, or enough to easily clear two school buses laid out end-to-end.

Drivers typically take the jump at somewhere around 80 miles an hour, but Ogier was probably going even faster than that.

Which could explain why this video needed to be slowed down so much. Even a monster jump goes by quickly when you're going at that crazy speed.

And you thought you could drive in snow.

EDIT: It's been brought to my attention that despite this monster jump, Ogier will unfortunately not be winning any physical trophies for it. It turns out that the trophy is only awarded for jumps on the first run-through, and as this leap took place on the second go, the trophy will go to Juho Hänninen.

In what must surely be an unrelated story, Juho Hänninen has the most Finnish name of all time.

