Video Shows Lamborghini Huracan Doing 208 MPH On Highway Before Crash

The first Lamborghini Huracan crash happened in Hungary last September. Now there's video showing how it went down, recorded by the passenger with a mobile phone and released by the police.

In short, the guy was doing 208 miles per hour on public roads. On the M7 highway, to be exact.

36-year-old H.I. and his lime green Huracan wearing Czech plates first climbed way above 200, then hit the guardrail on the inside, only to bounce off to the other, tearing it apart before ending up in the ditch:

Luckily, Mr. H.I. not only survived, but then also managed to pull out his passenger from the wreck before the car turned into a fireball and melted to the ground.

Since his passenger suffered serious injuries, the driver is now facing reckless driving and endangerment charges but is not in custody yet.

As for the Lamborghini, well, see for yourself:

Bonus points go to the Hungarian Police for having a sense of humor. Let me explain!

This is their URL:

Now, Porsche in Hungarian is pronounced porse, which spelt like por se means "not even dust".So, their URL basically translates to : The Lamborghini That Became (a) "Por Se". Get it?

In other news, the Lamborghini Huracan is pretty fast.

H/T to 444! Photo credit: Somogy Megyei Rendőr-főkapitányság

