Transgender Teen Ordered To Remove Makeup For Driver's License Photo

A transgender teen was told he couldn't have his driver's license photo taken while wearing makeup at a South Carolina DMV. They said he couldn't wear a "disguise."

16-year-old Chase Culpepper wears androgynous clothes and makeup, and the Anderson Department of Motor Vehicles in upstate South Carolina had a problem with that. The DMV stated he could not take a picture with makeup on.

"They said he was wearing a disguise," Chase's mother told local WYFF4 News. (It's not clear whether Chase self-identifies as male or female, but the story and Chase's mom use masculine pronouns.)

A DMV representative claimed the office was reportedly following their policy to not allow someone to get their picture taken while "altering his or her appearance so that the photo would misrepresent his or her identity."

The thing is, Chase dresses like this every day.

Chase did take off his makeup and got his picture taken, but the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund is now calling for the South Carolina DMV to allow Chase to retake his picture.

Photo Credit: Chase Culpepper (with makeup on left, without on right) via WYFF4 News

