This One-Minute Trailer Makes Me Giddy For Chris Harris' New Top Gear Web Show

On Tuesday, we wrote that Top Gear was giving friend-of-Jalopnik Chris Harris his own internet show again, and that we expected it to be absolutely awesome. Well, it looks like the new web show will be just like his old one, Chris Harris On Cars, and that's a damn good thing. Don't believe me? Just watch this trailer.

Top Gear just released a one-minute teaser of Harris's new Top Gear web show called "Chris Harris Drives," and it's filled with beautiful cars, gorgeous drifts and one big beautiful smile. This is the Top Gear we've been yearning for.

Harris told Top Gear that, as much as he enjoys doing little films for Top Gear's weekly show, he wants to get back into his longer, more technical car reviews. You know, the stuff for which we here at Jalopnik so dearly yearn:

Obviously I'm thrilled to be making beautiful films like the F12tdf piece for the Top Gear television show...but the longer-form, more detailed web films I've made with Neil Carey over the years remain my natural format, and broadcasting them through TG's huge online audience is a dream come true.

He went on to say he wants the new show to be just like "Chris Harris On Cars," his YouTube channel that remains among the best automotive channels on this blue and green planet:

If you want to know even more technical details about cars, hear more in-depth analysis, I hope we'll be the perfect destination. I want the films to be just as they were on Chris Harris on Cars. With added slow-motion slides.

There's no news on when we can expect to see Chris in his element, but here's to hoping it's soon. Like, really soon, because Top Gear's T.V. show just isn't sufficiently satiating my enthusiast desires. Save me from this emptiness, Chris Harris!

