This Gorgeous Ferrari F40 Snow Rally Video Is What Dreams Are Made Of
Is there anything cooler than Luke Huxham's latest movie involving a Ferrari F40 with rally lights, a ski slope and some instant noodles by the campfire? No, there is not.
The video's called "Snow Camp Feat. Ferrari F40," and it's from Red Bull, who are only getting better and better at driving unusually fast cars up ski slopes. Here's what Google Translate had to say about the Japanese team's story:
The other preparations for winter are are finished. Huge quadruple fog lamp is to nose stain Nurari and red. Because genuine racing car, luggage should I mean, tying the roof carrier. But, the favorite cassette tape, this is a sleepless pillow did not forget no.
After all, it is Ferrari F40. Kano F1 driver, as Beruharuto Berger was commandments and "Do not out of the garage is a rainy day." Its power is catastrophic, approaching the immediate danger to the driver if make a mistake 1mm the amount of stepping on the accelerator. In addition, before the value that the current market price is more than 100 million yen, hear a lot of people to loosen the power of the right foot to step on the accelerator.
But, after all. Not only a tool for the car is running also try to retaining clips What price tag. So, this guy is always run through at full throttle.
Full throttle indeed.
I just want to buy a beer for the whole video team behind this movie, because my mind is blown by their stunning shots. Now, it's your time to enjoy!
Hat tip to the always brilliant Axis of Oversteer!