The Trion Nemesis Is A Ridiculous 2,000-HP Supercar For Tall People

Apparently the world doesn't have enough really fastcars, and something like the Koenigsegg One:1 isn't absurd enough for some people. That could be why California-based Trion Supercars wants to make this stunning thing called the Nemesis.

It's not the wildest creation, but it has just enough wing at the back and meaning eyes at the front to make it exciting. CarBuzz and other outlets are reporting the Nemesis will be powered by a 2,000-horsepower twin-turbo V8 and get to 60 mph in just 2.8 seconds though an 8-speed gearbox. A top speed of 273 mph is targeted, probably after a lot of screaming by the occupants.

In addition to making a fast car, the company says it's going to be perfect if you're taller than normal:

The interior packaging will comfortably accommodate 96th percentile (6'4″) drivers in all models and the hardtop can accommodate 107th percentile (7'0″) drivers.

Trion is reportedly trying to build a prototype for testing starting soon. It'll be interesting to see how/if it gets 2,000 horses on the pavement and if it ends well. But at least they've made the issue of supercars with space for tall people an issue in the niche car community.

That has to be worth something.

Photo: Trion Supercars

