The Top 24 Lemons Of The 24 Hours Of LeMons New England
Once again it's time to see how the teams fared at what race organizers call "The Ultimate Test Of Not-So-Bright Man And Shockingly Crappy Machine." Because this was the 24 Hours Of LeMons' first venture into the Northeast, there weren't as many cars as we've seen at previous events; that means we can show you all the finishers! When you're done here, be sure to check out the top finishers at LeMons SF October '07, LeMons Arse-Freeze-A-Pa-Looza December '07, LeMons SF May '08, and LeMons South July '08. Many thanks to UDMan, Drumhurrin, and TheEastBayKid for the photos!
#1: Endurance Karting, Mazda Miata
#2: Kielbasa Kids, Honda Civic
#3: Scuderia Limoni, Alfa Romeo Milano
#4: Keystone Cops, Volvo 244
#5: Scuderia Testa di Spillo, Alfa Romeo Milano
#6: Team Pro-Crass-Duh-Nation, Alfa Romeo Milano
#7: Schumacher Taxi Serice, Toyota Corolla FX16
#8: Detonators, Volkswagen Golf
#9: Schumacher Taxi Service, Audi 90
#10: Team Rob, His Two Loser Friends, And Stupid Brother, Volkswagen Golf
#11 Bean Counters Outback Racing, Subaru Outback
#12: Nut Job Racing, Honda Civic
#13: Go Green, Honda CRX
#14: Legion Of Doom, Chevrolet Malibu
#15: No Budget Racing, Pontiac Firebird
#16: Mostly Motorsports, Toyota Paseo/Mazda RX-7
#17: Team Elemonators, Toyota Camry
#18: Italian Job Racing, BMW E30
#19: Chard Beef Racing, Buick Regal
#20: Jungle Cat Racing, Jaguar XJ6
#21, La Grande Fromage, Volkswagen Jetta
#22: Vlad The Impala, Chevrolet Impala
#23: Freddie's Freakin' Fiends, Toyota Celica
#24: Stugots LeMons, Mercedes-Benz 300