The Ten Best Bridge Demolition GIFs
I can't stop watching these infrastructure demolition videos. Let's just infinite-loop them, shall we?
I've been on a bit of a bridge demolition kick since we saw Texas' biggest bridge demolition yesterday. It's what's playing backwards up top there.
Maybe I just love explosions more than the average joe. I used to spend my free time in middle school digging up archival footage of all of the US' above-ground atomic tests. Then I found our underwater explosions. I still can remember what Operation Swordfish looks like, and Operation Teapot, too. There wasn't any YouTube for me to fall back on, either, so I had to get deep into some Wikipedia shit.
You can't help but feel a little uneasy about watching nuclear explosions, though, and these demolitions are the conscience-safe explosion hit that I've been fiending. I can't be the only one, can I?
You can find all of these videos in our top ten demolitions video list right here.
Photo Credit: McMike
10.) Super Precise SH-28 Bridge Demolition, Oklahoma, 2013
Suggested By: Desu-San-Desu, Video Here
9.) A Single Section of the Hoan Bridge, Milwaukee, 2000
Suggested By: rabbit21787, Video Here
8.) Muscatine Iowa "High Bridge," Iowa, 1973
Suggested By: NickDanger3DEye, Video Here
7.) The First Attempt At Blowing Two Medicine Bridge, East Glacier Park, Montana, 2013
Suggested By: For Sweden, Video Here
6.) Another Angle Of The U.S. 281 truss bridge over Lake Marble Falls, Texas, 2013
Suggested By: Randall Ward, Video Here
5.) The Tacoma Narrows Bridge Destroying Itself
Suggested By: The Scrambler, Video Here
4.) Fort Steuben Bridge, Ohio, 2012
Suggested By: me, Video Here
2.) Vertical Shockwave From A Bridge Demolition
Suggested By: Desu-San-Desu, Video Here
1.) The Multi-Stage Demolition of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, Tampa Bay, Florida, 1993
Suggested By: My X-type is too a real Jaaaaaguar, Video Here