The Most Pebble Beach Conversation We Ever Had

Trying to sneak in the back way into the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance because we forgot our media passes like idiots, we ran into a gentleman who said he was "with Mercedes." This is the real, actual conversation that followed between The Gentleman, Matt Hardigree, Nicole Conlan, and myself. [UPDATE: He wrote back!]

Matt Hardigree: We're media, try to guess who we are!

Gentleman: I have no idea.

Matt Hardigree: Jalopnik!

Gentleman: I don't know it.

Matt Hardigree: Who are you here with?

Gentleman: I'm with Mercedes. I do Mercedes classics.

Me: Really? I've been thinking of a story about a Mercedes classic, the Mercedes SSK from the 1920's. Do you know about it?

Gentleman: I do not. I only know about the 300SL Gullwing and Roadster.

Me: Oh.

Matt Hardigree: What cars do you drive?

Gentleman: I have a Mercedes SLS. I also have a Ferrari, and a Ghia.

Matt Hardigree: Cool! A Ghia! What kind?

Gentleman: It's very rare. Less than 100 made. It was the Rat Pack car.

Matt Hardigree: You mean Dean Martin and all those guys?

Gentleman: Yes, they all got one. Except for Sammy.

Me: Uh, except for Sammy?

Gentleman: He did FINE.

Me: Um, sure.

Matt Hardigree: So, where you from?

Gentleman: Denver.

Nicole Conlan: Oh, I'm from Denver! Where in Denver do you live?

Gentleman: The Four Seasons.

Matt Hardigree: ...

Nicole Conlan: ...

Me: ...

And thus concludes the most Pebble Beach conversation at Pebble Beach.

UPDATE: The gentleman in question wrote me an email and seems to be nonchalant and amused.

To: Ballaban

Subject: Walk thru Pebble

[REDACTED] of Mercedes Benz saw this today and knew it was me. Funny.

I'll assume all of your gang found their way to the field.

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