Everyone has their idiosyncratic car fetishes, and for me it’s space utilization. That’s part of why I love…
Many car brands have died over the years. Today, none are as dead as Wartburg, the East German automaker that spent…
I’m usually wary when Hollywood tries to reboot old spy shows (thanks for ruining my dreams, Get Smart), but The Man…
I love old Eastern Bloc cars, openly and unashamedly. I know for many they're just sad reminders of an oppressive…
When it comes to the question of tuning communist cars, creativity quickly becomes the most important quality of…
For some reason, the commies weren't really into sports cars. Maybe driving for something other than to transport…
This is a rally-prepped Wartburg 353. It has a five on the tree. If you thought it was hard work just to use three…
Now here’s some parallel parking with a heavy political vibe. A Ferrari 612 Scaglietti, rendered gray and graceless…
When an East German car with an ill-advised Subaru/Volkswagen drivetrain swap finishes mid-pack in a 24 Hours of…
You saw a few shots of the Subaru-powered '58 Wartburg earlier, and you've probably followed the story of its…
When we had the 50 Cars Made For Over 20 Years list a few weeks back, we were deafened by the howls of outrage from…
Remember the Win-A-Wartburg contest put on by the 24 Hours Of LeMons perpetrators, in which the winning "Why I Want…
How would you like to get your very own Warsaw Pact-built, proletariat-grade machine, equipped with a…
We're quick to make fun of the Wartburg, but in fact the plastic-bodied two-stroke emblem of Warsaw Pact automotive…
We've seen more pathetic attempts at hoonage, but never buy a guy who was trying so hard. Unfortunately, our man…
A while back, the esteemed Murilee Martin brought us a gem of a find: the Wartburg 1000. Now we bring you another…
The Trabant got all the press when the Berlin Wall fell, but let's not forget the other fine automotive products of…
People think that this whole "sitting up high" trend only dates back to the rise of the minivan and SUV and carried…
Although historically, Thor is known for hurling thunderbolts, our own ThnderbltDoherty isn't havin' any of that,…