Amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine and North Korea's nuclear testing, Putin gifted Kim Jong Un a Russian-made…
Kim Jong Un travels to Russia on a 31-mph train loaded with French wine, lobster and donkey meat
North Korea has conducted a round of long range rocket tests designed to kick down the door and destroy ballistic…
The world laughed earlier this year when North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un’s security detail jogged alongside…
The United States has seized a North Korean vessel it claims was engaged in sanctions-busting behavior, exporting…
Last year, everyone got a kick out of a viral clip of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s security staff running on…
What may well be a small, one or two-person submarine and mothership has been sighted at a military base in Nampo,…
Jason Calacanis, founder of Engadget and investor in dozens of companies, including Tesla and Uber, would like to…
To live your entire life under the oppressive North Korean regime must be terrible. To endure the tasks asked of you…
Last week, CIA director Mike Pompeo said North Korea could only be “months away” from having the ability to hit the…
What you see above is the Rungrado 1st of May Stadium, purported to be the largest stadium in the world by capacity,…
North Korea, whose leader called President Trump a “dotard” yesterday, also happens to owe New York City around…
On Tuesday morning (local time), North Korea fired a missile that flew over Japan, an intermediate range ballistic…
Elon Musk, hellbent on progressing the technological feats of humankind including artificial intelligence, would…
Following promises of “fire and fury” from President Donald Trump if it continues its belligerence, North Korea…
There’s an awful lot of nuclear saber-rattling and dick-measuring going on right now between the United States and…
The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense element of America’s missile defense system successfully shot down an…
As tensions with an ever-belligerent North Korea continue to escalate, the United States is now expected to test its …
Yesterday’s North Korean missile launch, confirmed as an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), was the…
Now, I can’t prove that Kim Jong-Un’s goal was to target me and Tesla when North Korea launched their new ICBM, but…