The diorama is an exact 1:9 replica pulled from the footage of Gibson's arrest.
No, your eyes do not deceive you – that's a real 911
History remembers Honda as a playboy, which is an interesting way of describing things.
For some of these films, you'll wish they were done in 60 seconds.
Hyundai is getting investigated for alleged insider trading, GM has maps, and Australians absolutely despise EVs.…
In this episode of "True Hollywood Stories," Oscar-winner Mel Gibson revives his career by stumbling outside a…
Sometimes life isn't fair. Celebrities can afford to buy beautiful new Maseratis and Range Rovers. And what do they…
Mel Gibson, the 54-year-old actor whose name brings new meaning to the word "troubled," crashed his Maserati into a…
Wert wants us to make a History of the World reference, but we're going to refrain since we're not big fans of Mel…
Now you can experience for yourself what it felt like to be the passionate Mel Gibson, speeding drunkenly down…
So, of course, the big news in Celebutown this week is Mel Gibson's arrest for DUI while rolling in an LS430 with a…
Two twists in the Mel "blame the Jews" Gibson DUI case, both coming from the website serving up all-Mel…
It's true that truth is greater than fiction, and here's the original from the folks at to prove it: