So, of course, the big news in Celebutown this week is Mel Gibson's arrest for DUI while rolling in an LS430 with a bottle of tequila. Somehow, we imagine Mel having a war with his inner Max Rockatansky, but seeing as we doubt the LS was equipped with a faux-blower and most likely did not suck nitro, we'll get down to the tacks. Brass 'em up, boys.
The Contra Costa Times has a quick recap of celeb-involved incidents on Highway 1 in Malibu, including Ben Vereen's '93 mowing-down by a motorist, Drake Bell's (who?) classic Mustang crackup, Nick Nolte's GHB-induced arrest (worst cost/benefit of any drug we've ever tried) and Robert Downey, Jr.'s '96 arrest when he was pegged for speeding and ended up having a plethora of illegal goods in his vehicle. Not mentioned, as we are apparently still lowly plebes in the SoCal celeb hierarchy, was our own Malibu incident, which we were forgiven for by Claus Ettenberger in San Diego last week. This just leads us to believe that we are still a notch or two below Drake Bell on the fame ladder. We're not sure if we should be depressed or elated. [Thanks to Scott for the tip.]
Mel Gibson not the first victim of Malibu's Highway to the Stars [Internal]
Should Have Seen the Signs: Mel Gibson's DUI Has Two New Ironic Twists [Internal]