Our exclusive audit of government documents reveals many of the sensational news stories of exotic vehicles crushed…
So Cash For Clunkers maybe wasn't amazing for the environment, either. [Detroit News]
Though the most popular vehicle destroyed under Cash For Clunkers was the Ford Explorer, there were also AMGs,…
Cash For Clunkers is finally over. The final numbers? 690,114 cars were destroyed. Was it a win for America? Sorta.…
Less than half-a-day left in Cash For Clunkers and the end couldn't come soon enough. According to newest data,…
As the Cash For Clunkers program begins to screech to a halt we again take a look at the most traded-in, most…
The Department of Transportation seems as worried as everyone else about the depletion of funding, and has decided…
We've been watching as the amount of funds in the Cash For Clunkers kitty quickly dwindles, and now the National…
The Cash For Clunkers program isn't just unpopular with classic car lovers. More than 200 New York car dealers are…
As if the death of a somewhat troublesome Maserati BiTurbo wasn't bad enough, a dealership in Bloomington, Indiana…
Technicians at Castle Ford outside Baltimore, MD were apparently attempting to disable a clunker van's engine, as…
We reported early on that the EPA adjusted their mileage ratings in advance of Cash For Clunkers, thus disqualifying…
Conveniently, the Cash For Clunkers program rolled over the $1.03 billion mark, exactly one day after the Senate appr…
The success of the Cash For Clunkers program has been at the expense of a few great cars. More sales are good, but…
The NHTSA list of the most purchased cars under the Cash For Clunkers programs favors cars. But if you look at it by…
The second-to-last obstacle to to continuing the Cash For Clunkers program, i.e. securing another $2 billion, has…
Senate Democrats will likely approve another $2 billion for Cash For Clunkers today. The catch? Republicans will be…
In our daily tally of the most traded-in clunkers under the Cash For Clunkers program we find the Toyota Corolla has…
We have a fresh update on the Cash For Clunkers numbers and it appears that the program actually is quickly running…
The whole segment is a four minute scare tactic about the Department of Transportation's CARS Act "Cash For Clunkers"…