It's been a long damn time since we've heard anything from Caparo, the company that took the tired trope of an "F1…
This is probably the closest anyone will ever come to driving a modern Formula One car on real roads, in real…
The latest Caparo T1 has apparently been dubbed the T1 Race Extreme. This track day Caparo offers 620 HP in a…
The question we continually circle around when examining this idea of a fantasy garage is 'What makes a fantasy…
Now this is our kind of safety package, not an overly enthusiastic traction controls system or side-curtain airbag…
Take one Jeremy Clarkson, add a Caparo T1 Formula One car for the street and a bunch of first-responder vehicles,…
What happens when you combine a Formula One car built for the street and the law-enforcement community? You get…
We're always pleased when Master Nick Hall sends one of his missives from somewhere along the Spanish coastline.…
If you've been dreaming about an F1 car you can drive to Starbucks, dream no further. Caparo will begin delivering…
The original "Formula 1 car for the street," the Caparo T1 will get a little more displacement under that tiny…
The ex-McLaren engineers at Caparo Vehicle Technologies finally cranked out a road-testable prototype of the…
Looks like the world's well-heeled car freaks are a distribution channel closer to parking a road-legal Caparo T1 in…
The blokes at Pistonheads came away with shots of the Caparo T1 — which looks even more menacing than it did in the…
Visitors to the manor that is Goodwood this year will get to eyeball a prototype Caparo T1, the street-legal,…
We wrote about the Freestream project a few months ago. Designed to be an F1 car for the street, the wee beastie…
Caparo Vehicle Technologies, a specialty-car development company founded by ex-McLaren engineers, will soon unveil…