Such NASCAR, Much Motorsports: What It Looks Like When Doge Goes Racing

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Well, sort of. The ridiculously serious campaign by the community behind the cryptocurrency DogeCoin succeeded, and a livery was chosen. Now a second round of voting begins, this time to choose the color scheme.

Okay, so if you aren't already caught up on the story of Doge and NASCAR you can click on this this this this and this (great reads, all of them, I know, because I wrote them, really, they're worth your time, you're not actually "working" at work anyways, we all know what you're here for, and no, we won't tell your boss) or this brief wrapup will have to suffice:

NASCAR driver Josh Wise needs money, people who like Internet give sort-of money, DogeCoin NASCAR is born. A vote was started to choose a livery for the race car, and Reddit user WidomakerXLS's design won.


Boom, done.

Alright, so it's a lot weirder and possibly better than that, but what you need to know now is that there are now three possible color schemes that Josh Wise's no. 98 race car will be wearing when he finally hits the track on May 4th at Talladega.


There's the gold scheme:

The silver scheme:

And the black scheme (already featured up top):

You can vote for your favorite color scheme right HERE.
