Steve McQueen's Cock Is Cooler Than You
We measure ourselves against our heroes. It's natural. Now here's your chance to literally do just that with Steve McQueen, the "King of Cool," who lets his Mustang make a NSFW Great Escape below. Seriously, NSFW. There be dong below.
Some Gawker websites are obsessed with athlete dong. Jalopnik on the other hand, runs no dong but those of the very best. Like the "King of Cool" himself, Steve McQueen.
Now, there's no saying if maybe the weather doesn't play a role (he is wearing a sweater) in the representation. This style guide appears to be the oldest source of the photo, and the poster doesn't seem to be aware McQueen's not holding a hot dog in his right hand.
It was sent to us after we posted the quote about McQueen's "golden cock" and it's the standard you'll have to judge it by. McQueen's entire story is about overcoming bad luck through determination to get the life he wanted, which he did, and little Steve's stature in no way changes how we feel about that.