​PSA: Don't Drive Drunk And Take A Leak In The Middle Of The Freeway

There are a few basic rules you need to follow to live in modern society. Among them: don't drink and drive, and when your car breaks down on the freeway, don't use it as an opportunity to wiz while cars, um, whiz past.

Unfortunately, those two things were just too much to ask from a drunk San Diego woman whose Scion tC reportedly stalled out in the middle of the I-15 freeway in City Heights last night. She was later arrested and her name was not released.

A few things are amazing about this.

First, nobody died. There was no wreck or carnage, likely because the 15 isn't that crowded at 1:45 AM on a Thursday morning and several motorists stopped to direct traffic around the stranded Scion.

Second, one of them was a photojournalist from 10News, who recorded it all, including...

Third, before our dimwitted drunkard decided to exit the car, she squatted outside the driver's side door and let her bladder rip.

Stay classy, San Diego.

Contact the author at damon@jalopnik.com.
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