One Inch Of Snow And D.C. Drivers Are Abandoning Cars By The Roadside

Hell has already broken loose in our nation's capital with a tiny dusting of snow and (more significantly) ice patches covered area roads. Crashes, hours of traffic standstills and people abandoning their cars are being reported. The horror!

CBS Baltimore Tracey Leong really nails that terror-inciting TV anchor voice in this broadcast, the main takeaway being is that the majority of DC drivers have no business operating vehicles in adverse weather and the city's in deep shit when the "real storm" comes this weekend.

All this, in spite of the fact that "What we experienced last evening from this snow event was nowhere near what the forecast had been for the weather in Maryland," said Secretary of Transportation Pete Rahn.

The TV station says people were walking home "after sitting for more than five hours." At that point I might come to the same decision, though I wonder how many of those people are going to find their cars were they left them. Empty vehicles aren't exactly helping the mass-movement situation.

If you live in this area, Netflix and chill might be your best option for the weekend (so great, you won't have to change your plans!) Even if it doesn't snow, folks seem to have their minds set on mass-panic.

So, as Leong eloquently put it; "avoid being outside, at all costs."

Hat tip to YoureKillingMeSmalls, Images/video via CBS Baltimore

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