Muhammad Ali Had A Ridiculously Amazing Bejeweled Mercedes-Benz 220S

The late Muhammad Ali was not a guy who lived a quiet life, and a car of his was certainly a reflection of that. Ali once drove—and got driven around in, when he felt like it—a 1959 Mercedes-Benz 220S encrusted with hundreds of precious jewels and gold accents from bumper to bumper.

Fox News reports that the car, the "Golden Angel Wing," has over 270 jewels in all, including diamonds. Its accents are a modest 23 karat, and gold adorns the headlamp assembly, grill, bumper, as well as all of the knobs and switches. It's a four-speed manual with six cylinders under the hood, and the auction listing from 2014 lists Ali as owning it for about two years in the 1980s.

According to the listing, the car was a gift to Ali and he wished for it to be used or displayed "in a manner that w[ould] benefit mankind" after he passed it on. He got that wish, as it went up for auction years after leaving Ali's possession with his original hopes in mind—per Fox News, the owning family intended for auction proceeds from the car to go toward helping global hunger.

Estimates for the car value were at $1.5 million before it went to auction. We weren't able to find any reports of how much it sold for or if it even sold, but there are plenty of good shots of the car in this video.

Of course, this is old news. We just wanted to find a way to make a connection with Ali in remembrance of him—after all, he left a boxing legacy behind with his death on Friday evening. May that—and the other things he left us with—forever benefit mankind, as he wished for them to do.

