More Than 400 Cars Destroyed In Massive Parking Lot Fire At Music Festival

A fire at a music festival in Portugal this week spread across a parking lot and burnt up a staggering 422 cars. Amazingly, no one was injured.

The fire started around 3 p.m. on Wednesday at the Andanças Festival, appearing to spread out from one original car to pretty much the whole of the vast parking lot in the midday heat.

No fewer than 160 firefighters using 42 support cars and four helicopters did what they could to stop the blaze, including dousing the lot by air, as the Observador reports.

No definitive cause for the fire has been determined, though the Portuguese Association of Insurers (Associação Portuguesa de Seguradoras) is currently still investigating the whole mess, as Diário de Notícias reports.

Once they identify the cause, they'll be able to figure out who is going to be responsible for compensating all owners whose cars were destroyed.

Update: A video of the car-nage is now available.

