MINI Cooper Cracks The Gaywheels Top 10 List, the gay-friendly automotive resource, has published its quarterly results for the most-researched vehicles. The statistics for this list are derived from its own website data. For the most recent quarter, MINI has taken over the tenth-place spot, previously held by the Infiniti FX. The Toyota Yaris and Saab 9-3 have held the top spots on the list for months now. VW also has a strong presence. See the entire list after the jump. Top 10 Most-Researched Vehicles
1. Toyota Yaris
2. Saab 9-3
3. Mazda MX-5
4. VW Rabbit
5. Audi A3
7. VW Jetta
8. Dodge Caliber
9. Toyota Camry
10. MINI Cooper
Gaywheels does determine whether an auto manufacturer is gay-friendly based on its corporate policies for offering domestic-partner benefits to employees in the U.S. While the website classifies this, it does not affect the top 10 most-researched list.
Of course, in 2007, MINI changed its corporate policies to become gay-friendly. Coincidence or not, its Cooper has joined the top 10. Good work. [Gaywheels]