Michael Schumacher Caught Speeding In Germany, Slapped With Three Points And A Fine

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Evidently unable to control his urges, Michael Schumacher has been caught speeding in his native Germany. The Polizei pulled Schumi over driving above the posted 62 MPH limit, slapping him with a fine of about $108 and three points on his license. But that only equates to ten over the speed limit — some claim he was actually caught doing 87 MPH — not a big deal to you and me, but according to highly precise German law, Schumi should have gotten his license suspended. So what does the F1 meister have to say about all this?

"I'm very sorry, this is something not in my character. Driving fast should only be done on a track"

Not in his character? What about racing a taxi to the airport? Or is it different because he was driving an Audi convertible this time? [Bild via AxisOfOversteer]
