Man Ends Police Chase On Foot, Attempts To Steal Several Cars All While Carrying A Dog
If you're going to embark on a police chase and attempt to steal a moving car, be sure to carry the essentials on your person—a knife and a pet dog. Wait, what? How is a dog going to help?
The good thing is that a dog would probably still like you after all of this, whether you got hauled off in a cop car or not. Man's best friend, indeed.
The Telegraph reports that Australian police arrested an unnamed 24-year old man for several offenses committed during a recent police chase—complete with reckless driving and an attempted car jacking—all while carrying a dog under his arm. That, folks, is a fine example of what we like to call "priorities."
A Queensland Police helicopter captured the scene on camera, which began with police dispatches about a man driving erratically down the highway. But the driver didn't pull over for police—until circumstances forced him to.
According to The Telegraph, something punctured a tire as the car drove down Gold Coast Highway and caused the man to finally pull to the side of the road. He hops out and runs right up to another car with what appears to be a knife in the hand that's not holding the dog, but has no luck trying to negotiate (that's the best way to put it) what police allege to be a theft of the vehicle. When the other driver won't cough up the keys, he takes off in the other direction.
Running through a residential area with the dog still under his arm, police allege that the man attempted to steal two other cars before being caught and arrested. While The Telegraph reports that police did not say what happened to the dog following the whole ordeal, the man went to a local hospital to be treated for minor injuries.
When it all settled out, the man had a few charges added to his record. Per The Telegraph, those include three counts of attempted robbery, dangerous operation of a vehicle, failing to stop a motor vehicle, failing to comply with duties of a driver involved in a crash, entering a dwelling with intent and stealing and receiving tainted property.
Dang, dude. And think, that poor dog was along for the entire ride (and frantic run?).
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