Locals Already Pissed At Top Gear For Filming In New Zealand

Even though the last episode of Top Gear aired on Sunday night (Or next Monday for us here in America), their work never ends. We've received word that Jeremy Clarkson and James May are in New Zealand filming for next season. And guess what? The locals are angry and protesting.

They are reportedly filming a couple of segments in New Zealand, one of which involves those wonderful driving dogs that were a hit late last year. It sounds like they will also be racing a rally car against an America's Cup yacht.

But the locals are angry about the third segment. The team will reportedly be running the Pumpkin Car, a former land speed record holder, on Ninety Mile Beach, which is a legal road to drive on. As it turns out, that beach is also a holy place for the local Maori Tribes.

As you'd expect, the locals aren't pleased. Reportedly they weren't consulted on the use of the beach and are protesting the filming. Vehicles are blocking the entrance to the beach. The locals are upset about what the public perception of the beach will be based on the show's exposure:

Those 200 countries will see that place as a race track rather than what it really is: it's a sacred pathway where we travel when we move on to the next world.

Top Gear has allegedly said they will not be exceeding the 100 km/h speed limit on the beach, although there are reports that say they will be going 150 km/h. The Pumpkin Car will supposedly hit the ground for its run today.

It remains to be seen if there will be any further complications with the locals or if this will go off smoothly.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

(Hat Tips to Dante and Josh!)

