Jim Glickenhaus' Next Amazing One-Of-A-Kind Car Is The Lightweight P33 (UPDATE!)
Jim Glickenhaus is kind of revered around these parts. He thought the Ferrari Enzo wasn't all it could be, so he made the P4/5. Then he had a version made to go racing. Ferrari didn't like it, so he stood up to them. Now, he has an ultra lightweight ride on the way. It's name? P33.
We don't know too much about the project yet, but Glickenhaus has spilled some of the proverbial beans over on Ferrari Chat.
The car is set for a debut at the 2015 Geneva Motor Show, so it's still a way off. The goals are ambitious, but if they're met this car will be incredible.
A goal of 1,600 pounds has been set for curb weight. The lightweight body is to be mated to a twin turbo V6 that produces somewhere around 500 horsepower. It already sounds pretty great.
He says the design is a simple and beautiful "three wing" design and the constructor will be SCG, or Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus.
So what significance does the name P33 have? Well, it's the name of an Alfa Romeo concept coupe from 1969 (pictured at the top and above). If this new car looks anything at all like the P33 Concept, the Glick has one hell of a winner on his hand.
We'll be following this very closely.
UPDATE: Glickenhaus just emailed us this glorious explanation:
Here's what's up.For 42 years I've been driving exotic cars. I've always loved racecars especially when race cars looked beautiful and without too muchwork could be driven both at the track and on the street. I've alsoLoved Supercars which have now become "Hypercars". My adventures withdesigning and building/modifying cars really began with my exDonohue/Pensky Lola T 70 which won 7 major races and I bought as afull on Can Am racer in 1971. I immediately made a few minor changes,cooling fans etc. and put it on the road. After a while I convertedit to endurance racing coupe form and added more road equipment.The process of turning a flat out race car into a road car was what Icame to enjoy. A few years later I realized that original historywas important so the modifications I made to my Ford MK-IV thatDonohue and McLaren drove to 4th OA at Le Mans very very mimimual aswere the modifications I made to my P 3/4 and my 412P. Just enough tomake them road legal and able to take a few minutes of traffic withoutmelting down.When Pininfarina foud me they were looking to restart their "SpecialProject" division and start building one off's again. I think theyalso wanted to show that they could build beautiful cars and we'retired of hearing that the latest Ferrari's showed they had "lost it".They also needed a customer who in addition to being able to write acheck wouldn't be afraid of what Ferrari would do to them for daringto work totally outside of the system. I thought about it and said:"I want a modern Hommage to by P 3/4 on a new Enzo platform." Theentire exoerience was amazing I met Paolo Garella who was in charge ofSpecial Projects and he show be the entire process of how a car wasmade, tested and produced. I learned about CAD, windtunnels and thatnot all cool drawings can become cars that you can fit in, see out ofand drive.After Ferrari P 4/5 by Pininfarina Paolo and I turned to a raceversion that became P 4/5 Competizione. That too was an amazingexperience and I must say that real racing is a lot different thanbench racing or racing on internet forums. Eventually we fit KERS andthat too was an amazing experience. KERS works best in short burststo fill ing torque until the petrol engine can rev into it's torquerange. At the Ring we were able to make 50 seconds of 50HP byrecovering energy that otherwise would be turned into heat by brakingthe rear wheels. Eventually we used GPS to trigger the system for afour second burst on the next full throttle application after hardbraking and coming out of a turn. Year over Year we were 15 seconds alap faster. We Won the FIA Alternate Cup and I was happy that thenext group of Hypercars (P1/La Ferrari/918) would use KERS and beeligible to race us.Then I realized that none of them were going to. The cost andcomplexity of KERS and their 1000HP had turned them into Monsters butnot Monsters like the 917-30 that were going to see real racing afterthey set sub 7 minute Ring times. I began thinking about my cars.My P 3/4 that weighs 1800 LB and has 430 HP. Dino Competizione thatweighs 1300lb and has 230 HP and how much fun they were to drive andmaybe how Hypercars were losing their way especially as they werenever going to race in anger.What if I stepped back? Simpler. Lighter. Smaller? Could it be that"Less is really more?" That's what our new road car is giong to be.Lighter, smaller, simpler and very beautiful. Our goals are similarHP/LB to my P 3/4 and something that is a new, forward design whereit's three wing are integrated into the form as a Porsche 959's rearwing is. I'm calling it P 33 as it's our third one off and it willhave three integrated wings. It's also a tip of the hat to the AlfaT33 Stradale but not a visual Hommage to it. It will be DinoCompetizione sized. Henry Ford said: "When ever I see an Alfa Romeo Ialways tip my hat." and I do too. We're thinking CF tub, a TTV6 and avery sexy shape. Paolo will be heading up the team again my Long timefriend and chief mechanic Sal Barone will be making sure it all worksand Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus and it's associates will bedesigning, engineering and building P 33. P 33 will be badged as anSCG as is P 4/5 Competizione. From the day I took the Ferrari Badgeoff of P 4/5 Competizione (something viewed by millions of people onour FB site) I haven't looked back.When we have a sketch we're happy with we'll share them with you.Best!