'I'm Drunk, Bro' Driver Immediately Crashes Into Woman's Car On Video

Somehow this asshole managed to get his keys into the ignition and attempted to drive him and his girlfriend home on Saturday night in DeKalb, Illinois. The other guys at the bar laughed and videotaped him driving off... right into the path of an oncoming car.

The guy shooting the video finally stopped laughing as he ran up to the crash, shouting "you stupid drunk motherfucker. I got that on fucking camera, too. You drunk fucking piece of shit."

"Who?" asks the driver, already out of his Jeep.

"You're a fucking scumbag. You, you piece of shit."

"Hey, I'm drunk, bro," the guy offers, his only semblance of a defense.

The driver, 43-year-old Samuel Salas was charged with driving under the influence, as the local Daily Chronicle reports, and everyone escaped with minor injuries, according to Inside Edition.

It's not enough to not drive drunk, as this video shows. You have to do what you can to stop other people from driving drunk, too.

(Hat tip to Tiny Toy Viper)

Contact the author at raphael@jalopnik.com.

