Here's Where The Biggest Asshole Drivers Live

Somehow I'm not surprised that New York ranked dead last on a new survey of America's "most courteous drivers."

This all comes from a new survey from a group called—a nonprofit that purposely misspells cars and reportedly has a history of misleading donors. Take it all with a grain of salt, then, but the group says it contacted 2500 respondents from all 50 states earlier this year for the survey.

New York got blasted by the group as being composed of feckless jerks who're plain mean on the road.

"As the rudest driving state, New York drivers live up to their reputation," the survey says. "They are least likely to let others merge, the second most likely to slow down when tailgated and to use the turning lane to beat traffic."

Damn, that's harsh.

Outside the coasts, there's some bright spots: Idaho comes in at No. 1 ("most likely to let you merge in"), while Montana came in at No. 4 ("very polite overall.")

The rest of the survey's here, but I'm not sure how Minnesota's so far down the list. If I had to concoct a 1-50 survey on my own experiences, it'd probably end up at No. 1. Last time I was there, it felt like I could park my car across the end of a driveway and whomever owned the house wouldn't care. Minnesota Nice felt so damn real.

