Heartbreaking: This Little Brother Of The Civic Type R Left For Dead
Welcome to The Abandoned, a segment where we take a look at various awesome vehicles around the Tokyo Regional Area which either appear abandoned or have not moved in a very long time. Today's abandoned is a 96-98 Honda Civic VTi hatchback in silver.
You're probably thinking, "Why do I care about a rusted Civic hatch. I can find those anywhere!" A VTi? Not in America, you can't. Europe and Japan only, and the European versions were five door hatchback Domanis, usually, not EKs. Heard of SiR? Maybe in terms of a CRX? Yeah, well this is in that family, and the SiR, VTi, and VTi-R are siblings, and at their most tricked out, above an Si, but below a Type R. Good luck finding one of these in the States.
I don't know much about this particular VTi, but given some of the styling elements like the Type R mirrors and rear spoiler, and the multimatic transmission, the sportier (but still cloth) seats, the fog lights, and the LCD screen navigation/entertainment system, this is probably a VTI with the DOHC B16A2. If not, it has the SOHC D16Y8. Both VTEC, but I'm thinking the better engine is in it. Tuning it close to Type-R levels shouldn't be that difficult.
I'm going to guess better wheels came on the car originally, but those are definitely EK/EJ covers, so I don't know. It sure as heck would be my first swap.
So, this EK4 (probably? Potentially a 3 or a 6 or even a 7, all depending on what's under the hood, I'd know if I could get in there and check) is what my dreams made of. I love all the various EK/EJ variations, especially the hatchback versions. And seeing this... well...
Seeing a hatch like this, with those beautiful lines I've known so well with my own EK, those amazing all red rear lights, and an immaculate interior, the side skirts and rear lip, going flat and rusting away is just painful. But it's a too-common sight.
Unfortunately, something must be wrong enough with it to make it not worthwhile to fix for the owner. Maybe something is really broken, but maybe the owner just doesn't want to pay to have it pass shaken/registration. So it just sits there. I've watched for more than a year trying to figure out owns this EK, but I have never been able to do so, and it sits just right behind my apartment.
It has so much potential. I'd love to take it home.
As it is now, it's so pitiful. It breaks my heart.
Images via Kat Callahan/Jalopnik.
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