Haven't All The 1990s Honda Accords Been Stolen By Now?
Another list of the most stolen vehicles in America is out, and at the top of the list is the same goddamn car that's always at the top of the most stolen lists: the 1990s Honda Accord. How are there any left to steal?
Autoblog has a list of last year's most stolen cars from the National Insurance Crime Bureau, which tracks that sort of thing, amazingly in 2015 the number one stolen car was the 1995 Honda Accord. A staggering 52,224 of those were reported stolen in 2015.
I'm just amazed all the 1990s Accords haven't been stolen at this point. In 2012 the '94 Accord was the NICB's most stolen car, for the fourth year in a row. In 2003 the '90s Accords dominated the list as well. Find a list of stolen cars and the Accord (as well as the Civic and Camry, and Integra if you want to sex things up) is no doubt on it!
This makes sense. Accords are ubiquitous. The parts are worth a lot of money. And a 1990s car is a hell of a lot easier to steal than a modern one. From a 2014 LA Times story:
One reason why Honda is at the top of the list annually is that "there are more older Honda on the road than many other brands," said Robyn Eagles, a spokeswoman for the Japanese automaker. "And the technology prior to 1997 made it easier to steal cars."
The 1998 model was the first Accord with "smart keys" or transponder keys.
When do we reach the point where none of them are left because they have all been stolen?
If you see a Honda Accord from the '90s, steal it immediately. Before someone else does.