Ferrari 458 Speciale Mutilated In Front Of Children At Cars & Coffee

A beautiful, special Ferrari 458 Speciale minding its own business was horrifyingly mutilated at Katie's Cars & Coffee in Great Falls, Virginia this morning when a Mercedes 380 SL parallel parked on the face of the $300,000 supercar. Children were watching!

If you head over to the Katie's Cars & Coffee Facebook page, almost all of the Visitor Posts are of the carnage. In this clip below, you can see the moments just after the wreck happened. Warning: nobody was injured but the damage to the Ferrari and its wailing, crying and painful alarm may be graphic for some viewers:

There were kids in the Mercedes! They're going to have to live the rest of their lives knowing that the car they once considered a friend mutilated a Ferrari.

The lady driving the 380 SL with the license plate 'DER BNZ' somehow missed the bright red supercar likely parked there to avoid this very occurrence. As the great Harley Quin once said in the not-great Suicide Squad, "hope you got insurance."

Judging from our very own previous experiences at Katie's Cars & Coffee, it's a fantastic event with a lot of high-profile vehicles rolling through. Of course, accidents do happen, but most of the time these sorts of things go off without a hitch. I'm just glad nobody was hurt.

Here are a few more photos we received:

Were you there? Do you have details or photos you want to share? Email me at the address below or drop them in the comments!

Update: Another anonymous reader sent in a few more photos of the poor Ferrari, along with another video from a friend:

