'Extended Warranty Owner Tim Kaine' Is The Dad Joke We Need Right Now
Last night America met Democratic vice presidential contender Tim Kaine. I wanted to see if he would be a worthy successor to the Gearhead-in-Chief, Vice President Joe Biden. He's not Uncle Joe, but he is very much the goofy dad of our everyday motoring experiences. The following traits of our next potential VP may or may not be true, but we really hope they are.
Tim Kaine knows he probably won't need the extended warranty, but he appreciated the salesperson's candor and wanted to make sure they got a nice commission.
Tim Kaine could easily have afforded the next trim level up. But it didn't add any benefit, and he doesn't do "flashy."
Tim Kaine really has to use the bathroom but he'll hold it in because the rest stop after this one has better restaurants.
Tim Kaine secretly supercharged the minivan, but not before modifying the filtration system and full cat-back exhaust to prevent an increase in emissions.
Tim Kaine keeps a swear jar for everything above "darn" and empties it once in a while to take everyone out for ice cream.
Tim Kaine will always stop to help someone with a dead battery, and he always pretends to electrocute himself with the jumper cables.
Tim Kaine thought about getting Sirius, but then how would he be able to play all of his old Beach Boys tapes?
Tim Kaine doesn't just take you to the mall parking lot at 6 am on a Sunday to practice for your driving test, he secretly already went at 4 to set up an autocross course.
Tim Kaine really thought about getting a Prius, but even Tim Kaine isn't that boring.